Remember this from last year and it of course is profound and along with Dane W's comments prophetic. We are in the midst of approaching 3 weeks of eerily" stable "weather. The only difference between days is the amount of chemtrails. Every day the same temperature range and everyday more evaporation of stock tanks and plants confused and dying as they try to cope with 3 inches of rain followed by three weeks of dry. Its not normal and all it takes is to see the brownish gray dawn followed by the milky white afternoons to know its not an organic event. They predicted (ne planned) a hot fall with more hurricanes a couple of months back so how do we believe weather forecasters who can't predict 3 days out are that good. Sadfy at this point it does not matter if people wake up or not. Great at least they may die knowing the truth but tehy can't stop it. These forces who created the ability to kill globaly and selectively can;t be stopped we are jsut playthings for them , flies to pluck wings off of or ants to fry with magnifying glasses. Bu tthey do not define our humanity, each one of us does and if we cant fight weather making , chaos casuing genocide we can do our best to take care of those in need until our time is up. Not ashamed to say that honestly I say a prayer for each chemtrail spraying airplane to crash and for HAARP to malfunction and drown DC forever. But those are prayers of absolute frustration. I am sick of death, bondage and ignorance and of the poisoning of this amazing world we share.

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On "Alternative Media" YouTube channels back in 2009, we "conspiracy theorists" were showing videos and talking about chemtrails/geo-engineering. I read the definitive biography of Nikola Tesla. That was an eye-opener. Tesla's laboratory in NYC burned in a suspicious fire. After Tesla died, his journals were seized by the government. They haven't been seen since.

Here in Sonoma County, California, we are experiencing the hottest summer we've ever seen in our 30 years of living here. We've had dozens of days over 100F. The last three days were 107F. It's usually in the 80s here with a few heat waves. Last winter was very cold and wet with lots of snow in the Sierra. And then there are the wildfires over the past few years.

Something is going on.

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Excellent timing Gary! Just today while watching a certain YouTube weather forecaster named Max Velocity, commenters were writing “cloud seeding” and making remarks on the live stream about the storm Milton “being steered”… The channel host told his viewers that he would block anyone and all remarks about “weather conspiracy”. He told his viewers he “was an educated meteorologist and that the so called chem trails were nothing more than airplane condensation”. He went on to say that any further talk about such nonsense would not be tolerated on his channel.” So there we are…

I am appalled at the chem trails that I see every day as you described. I travel and notice them in every state I visit. I have watched “The Dimming” and have shared Dane Wigington’s site with others but far too many don’t believe. And rather than observe and research and have an open mind; they blame the messenger for being a crazy conspiracy theorist. I am a nature lover and a bird photographer and I see the effects every day. In these past few years I observe the trees dying on our woodland property, the lack of frogs in my pond, bird and wildlife populations decreasing, etc. And to think that most of these big weather events especially the most recent decimation of so many human lives, pets, livestock, wildlife, homes, businesses and changed landscapes is planned for a nefarious purpose is sickening, frightening, sad, frustrating and terribly depressing.

I do appreciate your writings. I am a fairly new subscriber and I look forward to your commentary on all the sad state of affairs as well as the comments from us kindred spirits. Keep putting the information out there. This article from the past is very relevant now unfortunately and your commentary is spot on. Hopefully this will reach many and have more become aware but even so without a solution to this evil I fear we are all doomed. Who is in control and coordinating all of this? It is surreal that there are so many evil souls that want to decimate this earth and all of life.

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Some interesting maps and Hersh article from 1972 as well to add to this.

War is war and the best we can do under these conditions is be kind, caring and help as many as possible who can be assisted... the force of good in WWIII is the only way, in this life and beyond ( if one believes in that), either way the mark of working for the good of life, from our hearts in this world has value that is described in all sacred texts... and yes this is all horrid and yes we still have a choice in how we live and react to it, how we treat life and others around us, how we endure this all.

Thank you for your works!



Rainmaking Is Used As Weapon by U.S. By Seymour M. Hersh - 1972


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