Normies drunk AF on hopium tellin' me how Orange Man is gonna save our country. I am in such a bad mood! These frucktards never do any research and turn a blind eye to any information that might possibly stop the hopium drip coming from their obvious delusions. You said it Gary, they asked for it and they are gonna get it. It will be like the hurricane victims in North Carolina who suddenly wake the frick up and notice the chemtrails and frequency in them AFTER their homes are destroyed and their lives ruined... oh and now the gobberment comin' for their kids. But none of those people gave a single s#!t about chemtrails before that. This Trump administration is going to be just like that. I am so angry with all these stupid people - and they are some of my closest friends and family! They think I'M the nutter!

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During the Byzantine orthodox Christian Empire of my ancestors, Jews were not allowed to hold any political office for this very reason. Their treachery was known a long time before Zionism existed.

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Chris, The Irish King wouldn't let the Jews on the island.

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Wise king

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Yes, the Jews intent besides murdering Palestinian and Lebanese women and children. Both Islamic in orthodox Christian is obviously to drag the United States into a third world war to do it’s bidding for them so they can claim the entire Middle East to themselves.

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I’ve heard that there are now thousands of Russian troops in Iran preparing for just such a scenario

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"If you want to know who runs your life, country, and steals your money, ask yourself who you aren't allowed to criticize." (paraphrased). Some say Voltaire said this. Some say a neo-Nazi Kevin Strom said it. Doesn't really matter who said it. We are living it under the Zionists.

Dave Chappelle made jokes about how he could make fun of anybody, but when he said, "The Jews run show business and you better not criticize them." He felt the consequences.

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So did Mel Gibson.

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I am overwhelmed with sorrow. 💔💔

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when you say, "but they are locked tightly with Israel as well." why wouldn't you refer to the Khazarians?

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Don't forget the MILLIONS of Zionist "Christians". An oxymoron if I've ever read one, that will send their children to DIE for the usurping Khazars. They seem to gloss over that Revelation passage in chapter 3 vs 9 that says" Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you." Gee I wonder who those are? According to Jewish author Arthur Koestler in his book "The Thirteenth Tribe" it's the current occupiers of IsraeLIE. https://www.amazon.com/Thirteenth-Tribe-Arthur-Koestler/dp/0945001428 And here is an interesting one about where the Ark of the Covenant could be. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-mystery-of-the-seven-thunders A conundrum is that it is more likely that the average Christian has more Israelite blood in them than anyone that calls themselves a Jew.

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The current "Israel" is a globalist, Rothschild influenced counterfeit. Yes, there is such a thing as righteous rule - but that comes in at the 2nd coming. Currently, is the age of the doctrine of Grace - but judgment WILL come. There is such a thing as truth - God's WORD (which I will not debate here - disputers start your own thread)

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Always has been, it's just now out in the open now!!!

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I posted a Letter to the Editor of a local rag on October 22, in which I said that Israel and the US are in a symbiotic relationship and that when one goes, the other will follow. I also made a prediction that IF Jesus doesn't come back within ten years, plus or minus, the nation-state known as Israel will disappear. You can see it here: https://bitterrootstar.com/2024/10/the-end-of-israel-and-zionism/

This is an excerpt. I do not pull punches.

"IF Jesus does not come back to rapture the “good” people from the clutches of the Antichrist really, really soon (as in, 10 years or so), then the nation-state known as Israel and the religious ideology known as Zionism will cease to exist and the world will be better off for it."

"All that is necessary to salvage Israel is for Jesus to appear in the sky above us, before time and your tax dollars run out and the curtain rings down. This supernatural, miraculous event isn’t going to happen. Instead, we will learn to live in and with another reality—one without the State of Israel."

"I am looking forward to its implementation."

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