I amaze myself by how many times a day I am annoyed at the stupidity! The lesser of two evils bugs the shit out of me. EVIL IS EVIL no lesser than nonsense.

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The lesser of two evils is also the evil of two lessers. At every election, when the lesser of two evils is elected, his (her) evil becomes the norm. The only way to avoid being part of this is to not vote.

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Absolutely! I will not be voting.

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Evil spelled backwards is Live.

Knowing ourselves is being on a path.

We all have a path, it's just that some of us are farther along than others.

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Oh my goodness what a fantastic list! I laughed out loud and can relate on all points especially “When I woke up this morning, I was positive that most human beings are assholes”. Love your writings Gary. I would personally add: electric cars, people still wearing masks, social media fake crap, people asking if I got the “vax”, and anything to do with so called covid. But I guess that falls under the Stupid People heading. As you stated there are volumes more to list. Most of the world has gone bat shit crazy and I agree it is highly irritating.

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.... well then! I guess I came to the right place, because I believe I fit right in with your sentiments.

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What brilliant statements there GARY. Agree with everyone of them, and would add some myself, of course. But the one that gets me the most is hugging. I hate when men try to hug me. I grew up my entire life, never hugging a friend or colleague . Now all of a sudden it’s fashionable? But the term pet peeve does have its limitations. I like the quote of the late George Carlin. “I don’t have pet peeves, I have major psychotic breakdowns.”

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That is a good list of irritating things. I'm on the edge of wearing pajamas in public. I just don't give a shit anymore what people think of me. In this little town where I live, people consider me the town gadfly anyway.

Nosy people who tell me what I can and cannot do tops my list of irritants. Mexicans working next door on Sundays and Holidays is also damned irritating. They work until dark, too.

Leafblowers drive me nuts. Why even bother washing my car? Forget about taking naps.

Property taxes put me in a rage for days.

Filing our Income Tax with the Tax Lady and paying her fee and the taxes to DC and Sacramento, put me in a bad mood for a week.

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I love this. It’s so like my take on the stupidity of so many I’m not a curmudgeon but maybe I am close to being a curmudgeon. By the way another irritating thing for me is when people write shorter words when they text. Like ur for your or def for definitely. It reeks of a lazy mind. newspeak and dumbing down the already dumbed and numbed

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Hi, Gary, I was going to create bumper stickers with my own slogan, "Gary Barnett for Precedent!" and pass them out, but since I'm a nice guy and don't want to get you riled up more than you already are, I will abstain. BTW, you can see a graphic of it at my blog, https://poorrogersalmanac.com

I absolutely do agree with you about the flags. Flags are a symbol of a group and members identify with it. The knee-jerk reaction is that any other flag is anathema and, therefore, its adherents must be enemies. Or at least in competition with my group and flag.

Flags are a symbol of division. Instead of drawing people together to work out solutions to problems, flags drive people apart. I'm an American. Not me, I'm Russian. Well, I'm Pentecostal, not Catholic. And on and on and on...into infinity. Every single group MUST have a flag, something which they identify with, something which they can clutch to themselves and preen about how superior they are to those who fly a different flag.

Damn them all!

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I like people who walk into the street or out of a store into busy parking lot without looking both ways. (sarc)

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Very good Gary. We agree. 🤣

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Great job for limiting to 50 !!! Dang near every activity pisses me off in some way nowadays. It's all a constant battle with gross idiots. If I can add one more, it't this obsession we have with "honoring" everything, everywhere at every opportunity. My favorite sport Rodeo is ruined for me as the flag has to be trotted out, warplanes fly over and were told the only reason we can enjoy this event is because of all the men that died in the wars (lied to) to keep us free (never have been and never will be)or the first responders (brownshirt enforcers) or the healthcare workers (poison shooters) or the teachers (brainwashers). And then to top it off we act like the Lord is right there in the arena listening to us honor and worship the whole god damned deception we call america.

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