Ouch, what an impact! And yet completely understand, with tears, as it's real... what hell... the only way to the true light, the genuine, a place of 100% integrity, is to face with great courage and call out the hundreds ( if not thousands) of years of darkness; greed, needless slaughter, indoctrination and endless lies. Live the best possible under the complete slavery built up, what most of us have supported without understanding. Love ( which means also telling truths ), be genuine, care for - when possible - those around us... outside and beyond these screens and machines that are also a huge part of the web of control.

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Look into the face of the average American and there's nothing there. All the propaganda and distrust has driven out their souls. They have no more feelings for each other than fire hydrants do for dogs. That's just the hard fact of life.

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But there must be some REMNANTS who are still there? That's what keeps me going, finding the remnants.

And it's all so hard to watch... and reading the Bible, other prophecies, as well as things like The Fourth Turning, it seems we have been warned and/or these scripts are being played out.

What gives strength to make it through this? Any hope out there - while also not bypassing the horrors taking place?

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All government is corrupt and evil. I think that makes me an anarchist.

I don't really know what to do about that.

I am so sick of normies. Can't hardly see how to get on... Just love and be kind,

"He has shown you, O man, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with you God." Micah 6:8

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an anarchist simply believes in local control. It's not nihilism whatsoever. You're fine.

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Thank you for that.

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Another great article, as I share with others it falls on deaf ears! I can’t say I have much faith in people, they are too far gone into the abyss of Government. I had family members tell me that they cannot conceive of not voting. That also continue to support baseball which funds transgender surgeries for children! I’m at a loss. No matter what I send them, they absolutely refuse to remove themselves from the system. It’s disheartening.

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I'm done tilting at windmills. It made no difference in my town, county, state, or country. I hesitate to even use the word "my."

I've disengaged from the world as much as possible. It's the only way I can stay half-way happy and sane.

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Always well said, blunt, truthful, straight out, and for me, encouraging.

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Looking clear-eyed at the truth causes great suffering. But to withdraw loyalty from one's country is a profoundly sobering contemplation. Loyalty to one's country, in the proper sense of a firm and constant support even in the face of its failures and weaknesses, is the substance of hope, always aiming at the welfare of those who are the object of that loyalty.

But when loyalty morphs into idolatry, it is really no longer loyalty at all, but in denying its failures and pursuing its self-willed aggressions, the reasoned support of true loyalty turns into a blind and frenzied worship of a false god. Loyalty and idolatry are two different and opposing things.

That so many citizens of good will have been brought to the brink of utterly rejecting the land we once affirmed as "One Nation Under God" is heart-breaking.

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Our one nation under God lied cheated and stole the land from the American Indians and it has been down hill from there..

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It's a certainty that America's not innocent, nor are any one of us. Some say her great crime was slavery, others assert that we "stole" the land from the Indians. How far back should we go? There'll be a culture that preceded them.

History is repeating itself presently in the invasion via the border. If that's not stopped and reversed immediately, the land will have been "stolen" from us, and some of a generation to come will moralize to others about the land they stole from us.

Better, I think that a nation should judge itself in real time, bring to accountability those in power who used that power to rob, kill and destroy --

but at the same time, preserve the ordinary people who sighed and cried for the abominations done under that beastly power. And that part requires wisdom, compassion, and discrimination.

Neither our country's, nor any other country's crimes can be justified, nor past events changed.

If that which was hidden is dragged out into the light, acknowledged, and all necessary and reasonable course-corrections made, can forgiveness reign to heal a divided people?

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the alternative is to remain with your heart in Nazi Germany and go along to get along. Which is exactly what most "Mercans are doing.

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Though we see clearly the enemy of the people who is come only to rob, kill, and destroy, we also, by faith, see Him who possesses our heart -- God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who is Mighty to Save.

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"Once you see, touch, and feel the truth, there is no going back." Yes, sir-ree-bob. Going forward is often difficult...even heart-breaking at times, fraught with obstacles and derision. But the TRULY free and the brave struggle on. Thank you, G.

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I'm not going to expect to live in an all volunteer society in the short amount of years that I have left, but I will do this..."I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do." I agree totally with this quote from Robert Heinlein. My escape is writing on here and hoping my reasoning wakes someone, anyone up from their stupor. The greatest fear in the world is the opinion of others, and moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a LION. A great roar rises from your heart, the ROAR OF FREEDOM! ~ Osho

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A man/woman may be in physical chains but is still free if his/her heart and mind remains so. <3

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Sorry, my reason, logic and common sense have to reject this as an impossible task.

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