Robots are in motion with their fake patriotism. Trumpistas can't remember it was their Orange Judas who rolled out the deadly bioweapons to kill them with, and that he brags about how great it was to this day. What's coming next will be on the level of Goebbels at a Hitler rally, screaming, "do you all want Totalerkrieg?" The trumpdummies will reply, what did he say? Do we want Teaberries? Why, yes, that's what he said, we want to be injected with Teaberry juice because it stops granny from getting birdflu."

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Too much of a colossal security failure to be real. Excellent take on this psyop.

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Unless it wasn't a failure. And that Trump DID turn at the exact second and that is what saved his ass. I am in the I don't know column at this time.

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Agree . I would just like to know what would be the explanation of the one gentleman that was killed, and the two others that were seriously injured.

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UPDATE: If the shooter shot from the position shown on the right side of the building (red line) and was any bit of a good shot he would have hit Trump in the head. Trumps position would not have changed enough by turning his head exposing his ear instead of his head. I have a corrected the graphic that shows the direction the bullet that hit his ear came from (yellow line). Think about it. There were at LEAST two rifles involved. And why can’t you hear a clear “echo” from the first three shots? BECAUSE THE EXPLOSION of the round in the chamber was largely absorbed by the room that the shooter was in. You only hear the supersonic sound as it passes the microphone that picked it up. Think about it. He was shot at from inside the room that open window was in from the 2nd floor of the building behind the one Crooks was on. And then they took out Crooks from the same room. They could see him and he was the patsy. If they hit Trump they would have killed Crooks and if they missed him they still had to kill Crooks. It’s really not rocket science. The DIRECT path to his ear should be this easy to figure out. WHY was that window open? WHY has the question been skirted as to who was in that room. Some sources claim there was a sniper team in there. WHAT??? WHY Would anyone be in that room with limited view “protecting” Trump? They would have been on the same building roof that Crooks was on. They would WANT to be seen if they were actual “good guys”. Planting brass by Crooks could have been done by an armature. If this was an INSIDE JOB, which it is looking more and more like it was (Shades of JFK, RFK, MLK?) why should we be surprised? “They” have made every effort to get Trump out of the picture these last four years. What else can be expected? FACE IT…it was an INSIDE JOB and Crooks was involved but didn’t expect to be dead. Scroll down the page to the aerial view with the red and yellow lines on it....https://www.courageouslion.us/p/they-waited-too-long

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Great article Gary . Fantastic. Even if the majority refuse to believe it. Write on

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I don't give a damn about Trump, the Secret Service, the media, the conspiracy theories, secret plots, or any of the bullshit going on up on the stage in this Punch & Judy Show.

Corey Comperatore was killed (his obituary in the Butler Eagle is no fabrication) and two others in the crowd were seriously injured by... well, we'll see if we ever see a coroner's report on the autopsy of Corey Comperatore.

At least in the JFK killing no spectators were killed. It's always a bad idea to kill the audience when putting on a show. And that is ALL I get out of this fiasco performance by the clowns onstage. They killed a member of the audience.

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I agree, Tim. If this was a staged event, what explains the death of that gentleman & the others that were injured . Were they just innocent victims of a conspiracy?

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Anthony, On Redacted yesterday, a theory was postulated to two gunman on the same sight line to Trump. The front gunman on the near roof was the patsy who was killed. The real sniper was on the roof of the gymnasium 440 yards away, but on the same sight line.

So, the patsy starts shooting and kills Comperadore and wounds the two other. The sniper shoots at Trump, but barely misses as Trump turns his head. The sniper just takes the one shot and disappears.

The patsy is killed and takes all the blame. Sound familiar?

The bullets will tell the story. They are the factual evidence of where the bullets came from.

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Trump was finally able once again to employ all of his acting skills. He is a master. It is apparent now that having taken out the so-called right wing with the 2020 coup, the powers that really run this country are going to take out the leftists as well. It couldn't have all happened but for the utter stupidity of the American people, whom you so thoroughly (and accurately) eviscerate, Gary.

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Spot on.

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Seems to that someone was hoping the attempt would not just be an attempt. Greg Reese has an interesting perspective. Mike Adams did a forensic analysis. Ever hear of MK Ultra? What about the guy who was shot and died and the two others that were wounded? I'm just not too sure about any point of view at this time, but I will say that SOMEONE wasn't paying attention!

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Definitely heard of MK Ultra. It's just very weird. A lot of things don't make sense no matter how you view them. It's doubtful we will ever know the truth. The security was non existent, which they had to know was glaringly obvious and would be discovered instantly. There are many plausible scenarios. One of which is this dude did it and all by himself.

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