The Edelweiss Pirates were German youths, about 5,000 strong, who resisted the Nazis. They particularly went after the Nazi Youth Groups. The pirates stole bicycles, beat up Hitler Youth, stole everything they could from Hitler Youth and Nazi officials.

Because they were German kids, the Nazis couldn't throw them in the death camps. They did hang six pirates in Cologne.

People always resist. It may be a small group, but it's a determined group.

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Interesting tidbit, I hadn’t heard of them before. But we won’t get rid of the state through direct, violent confrontation—that is _their_ forte and specialty.

At the most in that direction, perhaps some sedition, subversion and sabotage per the field manual no. 1 at bad-quaker-dot-com.

Much better to ignore the state as best we can (with some healthy doses of ostracism, ridicule and mockery—they can’t stand being mocked or ignored) while we get busy spending the bulk of our time and energy building the new systems that will make their statist systems obsolete.

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Nelson M.: The Edelweiss Pirates didn't confront the Gestapo or Hitler Youth head-on. The pirates harassed them with theft, beatings of Hitler Youth (but no killings), graffiti, ... black humor, derision, ... I like using the last two techniques to drive the bastards nuts.

At this point, I just want to get even with the pricks.

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Agreed 100% ❤️

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