Great article! The State must be destroyed. No compromise is possible. The State is an institution of sociopaths. There is no arguing with sociopaths.

As Rome destroyed Carthage utterly, the State must also be destroyed, utterly.

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Government/The State is pure wide scale Narcissism. Never ever give a narcissist the benefit of the doubt and only trust as it is earned incrementally. Government only desires to support and reward itself. It is incapable of limiting or fixing itself from within. Sadly a society groomed to believe it needs government for morality and decency and prosperity and basic existence probably does. The Government gives you respirators instead of insuring safe air to breathe as a god given right, vaccines instead of health and always war instead of peace. They (and we have let them) created a violent depraved albeit possessed society where some version of 1984 is what people actually believe is good. Real freedom scares the shit out of most Americans who believe they need mega trillions dollars worth of military weapons and experimentation to preserve it. You can't buy a car or even fish without paying a tax and following rules. Tyranny fills the vacuum left by man's lack of self-control and respect for the people and the world. And btw F*** chemtrails which were being sprayed over our area while the kabuki theatre "debate" was taking place. Sorry for the rant Gary and fellow readers just needed a little vent among friends.

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