“The world is full of fools, and he who would not see it should live alone and smash his mirror.”
~ Claude Le Petit
Where does one begin this conversation? There has been in the past a more evident distinction between good and bad, lies and truth, and real and fake, but no more, as few can tell the difference in what they are instructed to believe from reality. It is much simpler to accept the mainstream narrative than it is to actually think and question, especially given the strong proclivity of the masses to take the easiest and least upsetting path available. After all, the eternal enemy of reality is indifference, and this society is consumed by ignorance, apathy, and indifference, if only for the purpose of hiding from anything that is unpleasant or requires actual responsible behavior. This is a recipe for enslavement.
In addition to the fact that most avoid reality and truth at all costs, we live in a media driven world, and since almost all of the media is owned and/or controlled by governments, huge conglomerates, and 'intelligence services,' the masses are inundated with lies, propaganda, and false narratives on a constant basis. This can only lead to a confused and brainwashed society; one that relies on its mortal enemy the State, for most all information received. They could of course, question things, and do their own research to find the truth, but that apparently is a thing of the past; if in fact it ever really existed at all.
It has become nearly impossible to believe anything, and it is getting more and more difficult to discern truth from fiction, lies and propaganda. It is now to the point that one cannot even believe his own eyes, as artificial intelligence, incredibly advanced technology, photoshopping, and holographic imaging using lasers, digital processors, and motion-sensing technology, have allowed for the creation of almost any lifelike image. Virtually anything can be faked while looking real. This makes staging artificial 'reality' in order to fool the fools easy, and allows for the weaponizing of technology to produce the result sought.
Consider just a minuscule handful of the lies that have been fed to you:
The "Civil" War was about slavery
Pearl Harbor was a surprise
Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved lives
The JFK murder by the CIA
The RFK murder
The MLK murder
The Malcolm X murder
The moon 'landing'
Gulf of Tonkin
Global cooling
Global warming
Climate change
The 9/11 staged false flag event
You are not being surveilled
The fraud of 'covid'
“Two weeks to flatten the curve”
Social distancing
Safe and effective
There are no such things as chemtrails
October 7th
Israel is only defending itself and not committing genocide
Bird flu
Voting and elections make you 'free'
The 'rule of law'
Biden is as sharp as a tack
Trump will save you
Actually, you are lied to every single day of your life by the State, its politicians, the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical cabal, the medical establishment, and most of the entire banking system. To list all the lies prevalent in this country that are against the people would require volumes upon volumes. One of the most damaging aspects of such criminal behavior is that history itself is a lie, and is rewritten constantly in order to destroy any idea of actual fact, and therefore destroy all truth.
We live in a world of perception where reality has disappeared; leaving only partial truths at best, and even that is only allowed in order to fool the non-thinking herd into believing whatever is desired by the State. Over time, this has become the norm, and it has also become easy to achieve.
Our dilemma is not just about the so-called buzzword "waking up," for if one is awake and still functioning, but does not act, and does not have a clue of reality, then sleeping is a better option. At least if all were asleep and unaware of their own existence, unaware that they control their own destiny, then those of us who are actually able to think and act critically, could likely turn things around. But when most all the population are accepting of their own servitude, totally compliant to the detriment of their 'freedom,' and complicit in all the carnage prosecuted by the State, then the task of eliminating rule becomes nearly impossible. That is where we are today.
"Ninety-nine percent of the people in the world are fools and the rest of us are in great danger of contagion."
~ Thornton Wilder
This is so True Gary, People freak at the idea of not voting, looking at me like I am a nut. They tell me I have to vote its my duty, lol, I tell them its immoral to vote for slave masters. Because we have been enslaved from the beginning of time, they cannot fathom a world of true freedom. To live by the Creators natural law, is like a foreign language. It's incredibly frustrating as so many I know believe all we have to do is get Trump elected. OMG I feel like we are in the movie, the Body Snatchers and it's just a matter of time until we are the brain dead ones. Enjoy your fishing trip!
It was easy to see how dumb the populace is and how easily indoctrinated when the COVID hoax was accepted as real and most wore masks for two years. I was totally unaware that such ignorance existed throughout the country.