Great advice, we are so conditioned to swallow the most emotional tales and go charging forward wihtout stopping to explore more facts and just becasue they are hidden does not negate the need to withhold judgement and action until it can be found to sufficiently provide a reasonable basis for belief, But this is not how the system works. Hollywood is a psyop and Asange-gate is jsut like those old classic hollywood movies. The calssic old movies (say the McCall Bogart types) heralded as cinematic classics and most Alfred Hitch-Tavist-ock movies also really do suck. Suspenseful drawing you in until the plot is so convoluted you just accept the largely BS and crappy 30 second resolution to the hour and half roller coaster ride of cinematic "greatness". Asange-gate was an Alt media, Q, MAGA magnet and then poof . All over nothing to see here (literally) you'll remember nothing substantive about this except to not be willing to blow any whistles. Asange turned out alright so what was the point, must not have been too much there anyway. In other words go back to sleep and when you hear Assange in the future you'll fondly remember the whole thing as you instinctively acknowledge how Casablanca, The Matese Faclon, Key Largo, Nrth by Northwest were all great movies without remembering what a real bunch of silly garbage time wasters they were. Smoke and mirrors to distract from the truth. Agree Assange-gate just another in a long line of manufactured manipulation of the masses.

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Very thought-provoking, Gary Barnett! I'm guilty of taking at face value the report of Assange's release. Without your essay, I never would have given it a second thought. Thank you for this eye-opening report. Because of your writing, I've become a more discerning news reader.

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Gary...You may be right. And if he really claimed 911 was as explained in the official story was correct, well that's suspect. But what I don't understand is why would they allow the atrocity that took place with the psychopathic helicopter operator be exposed? Typically they want those kinds of things kept hidden just like the massacre in Vietnam that Hugh Thompson stopped. Maybe JA was being used and just didn't realize it. It's a bit confusing.

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Thank you, G. Once upon a time was very 'taken in' by the kidnap from the Embassy. Since then...I began to question everything about JA (and just about everything else) and ceased to be concerned about him, personally. BUT what remains very alarming to me is what I perceive as the psyop's true agenda: To make people -- all people -- STFU and obey...or else.

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"I believe it imperative to question absolutely everything, especially anything coming from questionable (all) 'news' sources, governments, politicians, most 'alternative' media, and all mainstream reporting services. Nothing is to be believed unless it can be critically vetted, and proven to be accurate."

Sorry, Gary, I'm going to question this. I have nothing to go on except what I have seen and heard, but there is nothing at all which would convince me that Julian Assange would put up with 15 years of (self-imposed) isolation for the sake of a huge payout. Or whatever other concocted agreement he had with the CIA. Obviously, this is your opinion, but until you can prove it to be accurate and it is properly vetted, I will hold my belief in it quite loosely.

Everything does not have to be a "conspiracy theory". Sometimes things are as they appear to be. This might be one of them.

My advice: stick to what you do best and leave the pure speculation to others.

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I always thought something was wrong. Even with Snowden.

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It is odd that Julian Assange had a belly when he was released from Belmarsh Prison. Tommy Robinson lost 30 pounds in Belmarsh.

It is also odd that Chelsea Manning got no news coverage and all of it went to Assange.

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