
As I said Donn, what you believe is your business alone, but please don’t attempt to push your beliefs on me, or attempt to tell me you know things that are impossible to know. I fully and honestly respect your beliefs, but certainly disagree with your conclusions. I do not need prayers, for if prayers were worthwhile at all , we would not be in this world of hell. My best to you Donn, as always, and I could only hope that you are correct and that I am wrong.

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Gary, Personally, I like to pray. It's a form of meditation. It reminds me of family. I also like to think of God as a soul saver. Lord knows I have plenty of sins and need redemption. I suppose prayer gives me hope of redemption and some kind of meaning to this crazy existence on the insane planet. I think I'd go mad without my beliefs.

I read the Bible a couple of years ago. A lot of it is Jewish priest propaganda. Some of it is downright evil. The teachings of Jesus are good ones, though. If only people lived that way. But they don't.

Religions like governments, subvert what is good in authority figures, for example,a loving parent or caregiver. The priests etc. and politicians etc. promise good and deliver evil. It's a bait and switch.

Both religions and governments practice child sacrifice. That should tell us something.

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What came first the chicken or the egg! One must ponder but does it matter what came from what, or the realization that no matter what was first we have been ruled by evil. Priests forgave the most awful sins to have their churches built by kings! I think they both were born at the same time. So much is being exposed about Yeshua, so much hidden from his true teachings, giving the people knowledge of the power they possess for good, not the bogus teachings we are born of sin. Both entities are one and the same, there is no separation, that is the true lie. Religion has created more harm than good on this planet, another form of division. Another great article Gary, thanks for sharing your thoughts. It helps me understand and look at life deeper. I do believe we have come from one source, that source is Love and we are all connected. God is my source, not some religion, created by men. Christ was our prophet of Loving one another.

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A very good article. The family is the basic unit of our society. The parents are the authority figures. Perhaps, that is where this bowing to authority comes from, though some tribes don't believe in nuclear families.

Then there is the fact that the human brain is hard-wired to find windfalls as hunter-gatherers. Humans are looking for that big reward for little effort.

How about eternal life in heaven for a little money and believing in a Bible, Quran, etc,?

How about a nanny state that takes care of you from birth to death and someone else pays for it?

People love this crap. It's pathetic.

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I believe of my own free will that Jesus is the Son of God..you don't.. it’s that simple for me ..sadly and I mean this sincerely..I don’t care ..Jesus would want me to pray for you..and maybe someday I will..for now doing so would make me a hypocrite..and I’m sure you know how Jesus feels about them..read “Mere Christianity” C.S.Lewis if you are interested in a what one of the greatest minds of the last century thought about ..Jesus Christ

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Counterfeit is the explanation. Most churches are corrupt institutions that function as a slave system. The "Good News" is good news. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP is NOT required for salvation. It can be received by faith in literally a minute or two. (Acts 16:31 KJV) Some institutions teach you should live by the instructions Christ gave the disciples. The Kingdom WAS coming...But the tribulation etc. were DELAYED - with onset of Gospel of Grace (Paul) which prevails now. My point is: this world is under satanic globalist rule for the most part. There is such a thing as actual Truth. But time runs out to receive it! Yes, the KING will return and institute the TRUE government of judgment and equity. Plenty of chapters describe what happens to the transgressors, tyrannic dictators etc. (Rev.14:20 is a fun one)

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Yes, your title says it all. Government and Religion are the two sides of the same coin in the ongoing "heads-I-win, tails-you-lose" tactical gambit to conquer the people!

The Prophesied One who came not to conquer, but to free, abolished our slavery to both.

Gary, you might enjoy reading Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" (Part II, Book 5, Chapter 5 of The Brothers Karamazov) which is one of the most poignant vindications of Christ, from a most unlikely source, that I've ever read.

Always appreciate your articles.

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I don't believe in the supernatural and, therefore, am not religious. That's my stance on religion. I strongly believe in separation of church and state, of course!

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The key symbolic image of Christianity is a poor naked guy dying of torture at the hands of the establishment. What worshippers of that image don't realize is it's a giant sign screaming at them, "obey or else".

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I agree completely. Thank you, G.

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