My signature on Strike The Root is Mark Reynolds who resides in the place most folks call Arkansas. What I see is a planet that men have drawn lines around to do exactly as you said. To control the people within those lines by any parasitical means possible. In a free world with a free economy based on supply and demand we could have wide open borders and the understanding would be that if you want to reside anywhere on the planet that you want...FINE. As long as you can make your own way and don't expect the local residents to feed you, clothe you, "educate" you, house you and wipe your ass for you. That's the problem we have. The people coming EXPECT to be taken care of like little children by the local people. It's a big auntie Samantha tit for them and it NEEDS to STOP. The main culprit...the administers of the so called government. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/invasion-alert-i-said-invastion-alert

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"Real immigration can be vital, and freedom to move is imperative in any free society, but it has to be a fully private matter. If all property is private, as would be the case upon the elimination of government and the State, then any coming here would have to be invited, support themselves, and acclimate and assimilate in order to be a successful part of their chosen communities. This would allow 'open borders,' but with all private rules and restriction, the best case scenario if freedom was sought." Gary Barnett

I completely agree with Gary's paragraph above. The government has to be abolished and all the land it owns returned to private citizens. The US government owns about 90% of Nevada and 38% of California. The little fiefdoms of city, county, state, and the federal government own millions of acres of land. I read that now Wall Street, wants to leverage all this government land into trading instruments in the markets. What could go wrong?

Borders are nothing but lines between various gang territories.

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Agreed Gary. I really wish people would wake up.

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I whole heartedly agree. If ALL free stuff was terminated would the problem go away? That seems like the best solution.

Thank you for your always erudite essays.

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