"What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?"
~ Ursula K. Le Guin
Maybe it is time to actually look around at the world you live in, and take stock of the madness that surrounds you. If you open your eyes to see, if you listen to hear, and if you refuse to hide in your shell long enough to view the complete insanity, then maybe, just maybe, you will be able to actually do something to gain your own freedom. I of course, am not holding my breath in anticipation of large numbers growing a spine, and shedding their universal cowardice in the face of tyranny, so call me a cynic if you must, but not until you actually accept the fact that you are now trapped in a living 'hell.'
I noticed most everywhere I have been the past few days, nationalistic enslavement attitudes via bloody flags of murder flying everywhere, and once again, every 'holiday' has become a time of reverence for the abominable military industrial complex. This is just another sign that so many are locked into this incredibly horrendous governing system, and still believe that they must worship the State as god. Well, it is "Labor Day" weekend after all, not that I can even begin to understand the connection. When I looked up the actual meaning of this so-called 'holiday,' I found that it is supposed to represent the "annual celebration of the social and economic 'achievements' of American workers." Wow, and this during what is social Armageddon and the economic extinction of this country. Society has sunk deep into what can only be labeled as an immoral and detestable abyss, as the economy is being purposely destroyed, but the celebration of tyranny continues.
Yes, it is a mad world, and the evidence of this insanity is overwhelming. The most obvious idiocy of course surrounds this bogus 'election' cycle, and the political scum who make up the evil and chosen moronic contestants. It is a game show after all. The hosts, contestants, and the mob of followers of this political game show, act in quite the same manner as those on Family Feud. The hosts (ruling class representatives) take charge with extreme rhetoric, propaganda, and feigned 'charisma,' while the contestants (presidential candidates) jump up and down making bogus promises while pretending to be ecstatically over-joyed at every moment prompted by their hosts, and all the mob of followers (voting audience and viewers) clap and scream in support of all the stupidity. This is of course, all fake, but then that is appropriate in both cases; game shows and stupid political life on a stage of props.
Trump, Vance, Harris, and Walz are nothing but hideous political puppets intentionally put in place to give the collective dolts of society another reason to hate each other enough so that the circus goes on, this regardless of the asinine fraud that it is. This is of course a deliberate scheme set up by the real ruling power, which are the banking, corporate, and billionaire classes who actually have total power and control over this entire system; meaning they have full control of all those who participate in this political scam. These four pieces of garbage could easily be replaced by Donald Duck, (pun intended) Daisy Duck, and Chip 'n' Dale, all advised by Pinocchio, and this 'citizenry' would scarcely know the difference.
We are in the late stages of complete structural, economic, and moral annihilation, due in large part to centralized monetary policy, but this population is so brainwashed and propagandized that intelligent or sane thought is virtually impossible to achieve by all but the very few. Because of this, the outcome, for all practical purposes, is already set in stone. That outcome is one based entirely on a master/slave society at every conceivable level of existence. We live in a state of constant threats of terror; not by some outside suicide bomber or pretended enemy, but by the domestic ruling sector, and its bought and paid for politicians. All government everywhere is the enemy of mankind, and the division created purposely through ancient divide and conquer strategies, has been the linchpin of this mass tyrannical takeover. The most pathetic aspect of this insanity however, is that the great masses of plebiscites, all those clamoring for security and dependency from their chosen masters, never lifted a finger to stop this criminal and political onslaught.
Consider just a few things happening as I write this essay. First, it is black against white, women against men, men against women, race against race, republicans against democrats, gender signalers against everyone, Jews against Arabs, culture against culture, and on and on, as division and micro-division consumes the collective hordes of sheep in nearly every aspect of life. Genocidal massacre by Zionist 'Jews' is being funded, supported, and in many cases, applauded by the very politicians you are anxious to elect. Debt in the government and private sector eclipses hundreds of trillions of dollars, naked derivative leverage of banks and Wall Street is multiple quadrillions (thousands of trillions) of dollars, and intentional inflation is destroying most every family in this country. Wealth distribution due to governing and banking policies has concentrated most all wealth in the hands of less than 1% of the population.
The mass influx of millions of what are falsely referred to as immigrants; most all men of warring age from all around the world, actually has all been staged by the very government most every one of you support on both sides, and by design, in order to cause chaos, violence, and more division. This is not runaway immigration, or real immigration at all, it is the deliberate inundation of bad elements meant to purposely cause injury and aggressive brutality at multiple levels against this and other populations. This and 'election' stupidity have led to designed media hype of 'civil' war; simply a way to plant desired outcomes in the minds of fools.
We are in the midst of fake assassination plots, (remember the Trump drama fiction and photo op) in your face transgender absurdity that has consumed virtually all 'news,' communication networks, and all media venues, the Monkeypox and bird flu hoaxes, lockdown threats, Congress's worship as god of the evil Netanyahu, the holocaust master of the massacre of Palestinians, hundreds of billions of dollars being sent to Israel and Ukraine by this atrocious and inhuman government; all at the expense of complicit American citizens. Median home prices are well over $400 thousand nationwide, and in some areas have surpassed $1.5 million, making owning a home nearly impossible for a huge number of Americans.
On top of this, and these are but a handful of examples of idiocy and terror, war is sought or threatened daily by this U.S. murdering monster. Food is becoming more and more scarce, as prices are going up at astronomical rates, while the risk of plotted cyber-attacks, and utility and internet system failures is becoming imminent.
I did not even touch on mass surveillance, gross censorship, fake pandemics as policy, bioweapon injections, central bank digital currency (or government fake 'stable' coinage) Trump's promise to give full immunity from prosecution to corrupt and criminal cops, coming travel restrictions, much higher taxation, (pure theft) the totally incredulous bullshit of NASA, the monstrous triple financial bubble and coming collapse, weather manipulation, or any of another 1000 contemptible crimes of the State.
Whatever the power wants, it gets, and without resistance, while this weak, pathetic, and dependent population has done absolutely nothing to prevent its own enslavement and likely extinction. So where does that leave us? It leaves us in a mad, mad, mad, mad, and psychotic world!
“Forget it all, I told myself, escape into your mind and your work, into the place where you are only your living, breathing self, not a citizen of any state, not a stake in that infernal game, the place where only what reason you have can still work to some reasonable effect in a world gone mad.”
~ Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday
I completely agree with what you are saying, Gary, even if I sound like a broken record. I do think that this push by the U.S. to start a nuclear war relates more, at this point, to their desire to cause nuclear winter (as it has been surmised) in order to blot out the sun and cool the earth. Madness, yes, and will there be anyone living here to enjoy the cooled, poisoned terrain? These monsters obviously don't care or are too stupid to figure it out.
Gary , I in no way could anything more to this article. Brilliantly said and spot on. Truly a mad place. I am not a highly intelligent man but you don;t even have to be to see it's all utter madness.