“To think that we grasp the fullness of life is to say that by holding a mere drop of water in our hands we are able to understand the immensity of the ocean.”
~ Craig D. Lounsbrough
Please excuse today's change of pace, my drifting away from the excrement called 'news, and 'reporting' that consumes our lives every day, and stepping into the philosophical realm in order to hopefully mellow the mood for just a few minutes in an attempt to expand horizons. I know it is useful for me, and hope some may learn to fly into the unknown instead of crawling into a future dystopia.
After so many years of wonder, travel, research, study, and constant observation, I have come to the conclusion that humanity in general, lives and breathes in a state of isolated perception so acute, as to go through life in near blindness to reality. They have eyes but they do not see. This is akin to a myopic state of being so intense as to block out everything other than the most infinitesimal minutia necessary in order to survive without the use of critical thought; especially thinking that would encompass the seeking of true wisdom that could result in a prolonged or far-reaching awareness. This could be described as a lack of individual consciousness. This mindset is not just dependent on ignorance or stupidity, even though it is most definitely enhanced by it, but since this attitude is so prevalent among the many, it must be an inherent trait, or at least has been planted in the psyche of the masses since birth.
This perspective held by the great unwashed, as well as many others who might attempt (unsuccessfully) to identify as 'elites,' is not only dependent upon a complete lack of curiosity, but no desire to reach a higher state of being. If ever any 'attention deficit' was evident, it is in this world today. This is obviously being enhanced by rule, limited ability to find answers, indoctrination, censorship, propaganda, things like the 'covid' scam, medical poisoning, and mass division, all manipulated by politicians, government, religion, and the media. The result has been collective insanity, instead of individual awakening. As should be known by all, individuals constantly search for truth, while the herd (groups, political parties, religious affiliations, etc.) search for nothing other than crowd acceptance. The former brings enlightenment, while the latter brings dark emptiness.
The survival of man, his quest for knowledge, and his desire for freedom, are dependent on coming to his own conclusions, making up his own mind, reaching for the stars, and never bowing to authority. We live in a world with infinite possibilities, but most act in such a manner as if they were trapped in a bubble, never venturing into the unknown. The normal attitude today is one of total indifference and collective ignorance, just as the universal and voluntary masking of societies these past few years exposed the willing mental and physical imprisonment that now consumes the minds of men. This was the pathetic realization that mankind had sunk to the lowest level of existence necessary in order to be guided into a myopic prison.
It is as if all are handcuffed and caged, and locked into a world they did not choose, but are afraid to leave in order to explore the limitless universe before them in order to find themselves. This could be due to cultural norms, religion, ethnicity, family pressure, nationalistic insanity, or simply due to fear of the truth and the responsibility required to accept it. Concerning religion, as David Icke so eloquently articulated recently, if one was born in the deep South, he would likely be Christian, if born in Italy, he would probably be Roman Catholic, if born in the Middle East, Muslim, or if born in India, likely Hindu. But if you were born into any of these societies, or vice versa, you would likely have been something completely different. In other words, you were impacted by outside influence, you did not choose where you were born, and into which belief system, if any, you were bound by your environment. It likely was simply chance and pressure, not that you got there due to your own unbiased searching and determination.
Why not escape the chains of culture, nationalistic status, religion, State oppression, and collective pressure, and decide all things in life as an individual with a free and open mind? What doors could be opened if we all were able to experience the lives of others, their trials and tribulations, their cultures, their love, their hate, and their fears, and they ours? What if you had been born in their world and they in yours? How much would we and the world change if we all understood each other from a much broader perspective, and therefore not prejudiced just from our tiny world experiences?
Why not accept the challenge of expanding your world, of searching for real truth, of making up your own mind instead of being influenced from outside, of seeking knowledge, of becoming free, not by asking permission, but by taking your freedom? Why not step out of the dark of enslavement and into the light of self-ownership and intellectual growth?
Myopia is like living your life as if you were never able to see anything outside the view of a microscope. That makes for a very small world, and one in which you miss all the wonder and knowledge of life, while you are trapped in a cavern of ignorance.
There is so much to learn, so much to see, so much to experience, and so much beauty, if one simply steps out of this matrix of madness and into a world without restriction of the mind and body; causing an awakening of consciousness not dulled or impeded by any outside domineering or authoritative entity. In order to break the chains of tyranny and ignorance, one must first escape the prison built around them since birth. Open your mind, question everything, Improve and believe in self, and good things will come.
Great article and I agree with Gary. The problem is that most people don't have the time to reflect. The state has the workers running from dawn to dark. Work, constant work now that the workers carry their slave phones. Child care is a nightmare of time and energy. Traffic or slow mass transit in dangerous conveyances eats up more time and energy. Who has time to reflect on the philosophical issues? The workers are stressed to the max.
Old retirees like me have the time to reflect, but no one listens to grumpy to old men. All I can do is write the odd email to City Councilmen or the local paper or make jokes at the stores. Or comment online like this.
I'm still reading books and articles. I watch videos from all over the world. I notice things around me. I'm only in charge of my life.
Gary, hopefully the day we meet you won't mind if I do a Vulcan "Mind Meld" on you because I want to absorb some of your creative writing wit. The amount of sarcastic humor you project is beyond the pale and makes me laugh so often I'm going to get a disease from laughing so much. And the research and amount of knowledge that you've managed to pack between your ears is astounding. I look forward to the day I can get a picture of you with my friend Barrett. Another good one that is spot on. The bulk of Humanity fits most people are just mediocre minded cowardly conformists because it's comfortable and simple. You and I both are not one of those people.